XCLE_Code memory management
Function XCLE_CodeAlloc
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeAlloc(void) ;
Allocates a new Code object, with no execution handler nor data section.
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if no memory was available |
| | else a new Code object. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL was passed as argument |
| | _ ENOMEM | : if no memory was available |
| Note: |
| | This constructor is only there as a utility, for the returned code object is totally |
| | useless: it has no name, no stack expectaion, no execution handler, and its data |
| | section is undefined. Using it would only result in a place filler, and executing |
| | it would do nothing. |
Function XCLE_CodeCopy
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeCopy(XCLE_Code cod) ;
Copies a Code object, along with its data segment.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code object to copy |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument or no memory was available |
| | else a complete copy of the original Code object. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | _ ENOMEM | : if no memory was available |
| Note: |
| | This is a complete copy: the Code's data segment is also replicated. |
Function XCLE_CodeClone
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeClone(XCLE_Code cod) ;
Clones a Code object.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code object to clone |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument or no memory was available |
| | else a simple copy of the Code object. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | _ ENOMEM | : if no memory was available |
| Note: |
| | This is a partial copy: the Code's data segment is the same as the original's. |
Function XCLE_CodeUpRef
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeDup(XCLE_Code cod) ;
Increases the reference count of a Code object and of its data segment.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to reference |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the referenced Code object. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
Function XCLE_CodeDnRef
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeDnRef(XCLE_Code cod) ;
Decreases the reference count of a Code object and of its data segment.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to dereference |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the dereferenced Code object. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | _ ENOMEM | : if no memory was available |
Function XCLE_CodeFree
void XCLE_CodeFree(XCLE_Code cod) ;
Frees a Code object.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to free |
XCLE_Code name, handler, and data
Function XCLE_CodeGetName
char * XCLE_CodeGetName(XCLE_Code cod) ;
Returns the name field of a Code object.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to query |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument, or no memory was available |
| | else the name of this Code, as a \0-terminated string. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | _ ENOMEM | : if no memory was available |
| Note: |
| | The returned char * buffer is allocated dynamically, with malloc. It is the |
| | responsibility of the programmer to free it when it is not used anymore. |
Function XCLE_CodeSetName
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeSetName(XCLE_Code cod, char * name) ;
Updates the name field of a Code objetc.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to update |
| | _ name | : the new name (\0-terminated string) |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument, or no memory was available |
| | else the original 'cod' object. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | _ ENOMEM | : if no memory was available |
Function XCLE_CodeGetHandler
void * XCLE_CodeGetHandler(XCLE_Code cod) ;
Returns a pointer to the execution handler of a Code object.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to query |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the pointer to the execution handler. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| Note: |
| | If you do not know what is the Code's execution handler, avoid this function. |
| | For instruction set programmers: this is the same address as the 'func' member |
| | in the CodeDef structure, that is, a CodeOperator function pointer. |
Function XCLE_CodeSetHandler
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeSetHandler(XCLE_Code cod, void * func) ;
Sets the execution handler of a Code object.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to update |
| | _ func | : the new execution handler |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the original 'cod' object. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| Note: |
| | If you do not know what is the Code's execution handler, avoid this function. |
| | For instruction set programmers: execution handlers are generally set through |
| | the parsing routines, that will look up a CodeDef structure from declared tables |
| | and set execution handlers accordingly. Setting it by hand should be done with care. |
Function XCLE_CodeGetData
XCLE_Object XCLE_CodeGetData(XCLE_Code cod) ;
Returns the data segment of a Code object.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to query |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the data segment. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| Note: |
| | If you do not know what is the Code's data segment, avoid this function. |
| | For instruction set programmers: instructions have generally empty (NULL) |
| | data segment. These are only used for parametrable instructions. |
Function XCLE_CodeSetData
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeSetData(XCLE_Code cod, XCLE_Object data) ;
Sets the data segment of a Code object.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to update |
| | _ data | : data segment |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the original 'cod' objetc. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| Note: |
| | If you do not know what is the Code's data segment, avoid this function. |
| | For instruction set programmers: you will probably let the users determines |
| | data segments for parametrable instructions dynamically, through the parsing |
| | routines. However, executing a checking pass on data segments before execution |
| | can be useful. Combine the GetData and SetData methods with recursive ListMap |
| | calls to provide a data segment verification pass. |
XCLE_Code signature and prototypes
Function XCLE_CodeSignatureNum
unsigned short XCLE_CodeSignatureNum(XCLE_Code cod) ;
Returns the number of distinct signatures for this Code.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to query |
| Returns: |
| | _ -1 | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the number of distinct signatures. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| Note: |
| | A Code's signature is a set of expected arguments number/types, and the corresponding |
| | returned object number/types. Several can exist for a single Code, covering different |
| | instruction semantics. This function only counts the number of such semantics. |
Function XCLE_CodeSignatureArgc
unsigned short XCLE_CodeSignatureArgc(XCLE_Code cod, unsigned short sign) ;
Returns the number of arguments required for a particular signature.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to query |
| | _ sign | : index of signature |
| Returns: |
| | _ -1 | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the number of arguments required for the signature of index 'sign'. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument, or the signature index was invalid |
| Note: |
| | A Code's signature is a set of expected arguments number/types, and the corresponding |
| | returned object number/types. Several can exist for a single Code, covering different |
| | instruction semantics. This function will return the number of arguments expected for |
| | the designated set. |
Function XCLE_CodeSignatureRetc
unsigned short XCLE_CodeSignatureRetc(XCLE_Code cod, unsigned short sign) ;
Returns the number of results returned for a particular signature.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to query |
| | _ sign | : index of signature |
| Returns: |
| | _ -1 | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the number of results returned for the signature of index 'sign'. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument, or the signature index was invalid |
| Note: |
| | A Code's signature is a set of expected arguments number/types, and the corresponding |
| | returned object number/types. Several can exist for a single Code, covering different |
| | instruction semantics. This function will return the number of results returned for |
| | the designated set. |
Function XCLE_CodeSignatureMatch
unsigned short XCLE_CodeSignatureMatch(XCLE_Code cod, unsigned short argc, XCLE_Type * argt, unsigned short retc, XCLE_Type * rett) ;
Returns the number of signature matches for a given set of argument types and expected results.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to query |
| | _ argc | : number of arguments |
| | _ argt | : argument types (this is an XCLE_Type[argc] vector) |
| | _ retc | : number of expected returns |
| | _ rett | : types of expected returns (this is an XCLE_Type[retc] vector) |
| Returns: |
| | _ -1 | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the number of signature matches. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| Note: |
| | This function computes the number of execution semantics supported by the Code object |
| | and consistent with the given argument types and expected returns. In most cases, |
| | nothing is expected of returned values, so setting 'retc' to 0 and 'rett' to NULL is |
| | appropriate. |
Function XCLE_CodeSignatureAdd
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeSignatureAdd(XCLE_Code cod, unsigned short argc, XCLE_Type * argt, unsigned short retc, XCLE_Type * rett) ;
Adds a new accepted signature for a Code object.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : the Code to update |
| | _ argc | : number of arguments |
| | _ argt | : argument types (this is an XCLE_Type[argc] vector) |
| | _ retc | : number of returns |
| | _ rett | : returns types (this is an XCLE_Type[retc] vector) |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument or an error occured |
| | else the updated 'cod' object. |
| Errors: |
| | _ ENOMEM | : if a reallocation failed |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| Note: |
| | A newly allocated Code object has no registered signature (XCLE_CodeSignatureNum would |
| | return 0). This is the method to be used to set the signature(s) before profiling or |
| | execution of objects using this Code. |
Function XCLE_CodeSignatureDel
XCLE_Code XCLE_CodeSignatureDel(XCLE_Code cod, unsigned short argc, XCLE_Type * argt, unsigned short retc, XCLE_Type * rett) ;
Deletes a signature from a Code object.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : the Code to update |
| | _ argc | : number of arguments |
| | _ argt | : argument types (this is an XCLE_Type[argc] vector) |
| | _ retc | : number of returns |
| | _ rett | : returns types (this is an XCLE_Type[retc] vector) |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | else the updated 'cod' object. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| Note: |
| | This method is provided for the sake of complteness, as deleting code signatures has |
| | no real use. The 'argc', 'argt', 'retc' and 'rett' must have the same values as those |
| | passed to XCLE_CodeSignatureAdd to add the targeted signature. |
XCLE_Code object conversion and comparison
Function XCLE_ObjectToCode
XCLE_Code XCLE_ObjectToCode(XCLE_Object obj) ;
Converts a generic object into a Code object, if possible.
| Args: |
| | _ obj | : Object to convert |
| Returns: |
| | _ NULL | : if a NULL object, or one with incompatible types, was passed as argument |
| | else the actual Code object embedded into 'obj'. |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL or invalid object was passed as argument |
Function XCLE_CodeEqual
unsigned char XCLE_CodeEqual(XCLE_Code cod, XCLE_Code codw) ;
Compares two Code objects.
| Args: |
| | _ cod | : Code to compare |
| | _ codw | : reference Code |
| Returns: |
| | _ -1 | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
| | _ 0 | : if the two Codes were distinct |
| | _ +1 | : if the two Codes had the same name, argument and return expectations, and data segment |
| Errors: |
| | _ EINVAL | : if a NULL Code was passed as argument |
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